Friday, March 4, 2011

WOW i still live....

Wow I just can't believe how fast time flies, specially when all you do is work, work, work.... Finally in 3 years i have found the time to update my blog, and to acompany it, the new and well confirmed MK9 (The Mortal Kombat).

We all heard it forst at E3 2010 and by this time we all know so much it is almost as if we played it ourselfs, and boy what a spectecular game it's gona be.

but first i have to do an apology to Mr. Ed Boon for not trusting him and expecting the worst, you sir have proven me wrong and rightfully so too....

only a month to go and MK9 is released... I just can't wait writing a review on this.

I see it pointless giving out more detail about this game beacuse 99% of the world allready knows everything there is to know to date....

anyways, see you all in April for my MK9 review...